Rescue Your Body From Muscle Pain, Stubborn Inflexibility and the Fatigue of Postural Distortion...

Stephen O'Dwyer, Founder of Relieving That Pain Online Courses

Stephen O'Dwyer, CNMT


Relieving That Pain

Online Courses

Stretching Blueprint for Pain Relief and Better Flexibility

The Complete Guide to Supple, Responsive & Pain-Free Muscles Using Active Isolated Stretching

Unconditional 30-day refund guarantee
for all courses

If stretching has never helped to relieve your symptoms of pain, it might mean your stretching method is outdated...

We've all gritted our teeth and held stretches for 30-60 seconds or longer hoping to force our muscles to loosen up.

That's what we've been taught: Hold the stretch, suffer through it, stop complaining!

Unfortunately this rarely results in greater flexibility.

And it certainly won't relieve the pain caused by tight muscles distorting our posture.

But without a clear alternative, some will keep stretching in this outdated way, hoping for the best. Others will stop stretching altogether.

Why stretch when it doesn't work?

Why stretch when it just seems to cause MORE pain?

Our reliance on an outdated way of stretching has its roots in our medical model.

Despite great advances in medicine in the last hundred years, medical school training still spends very little time on muscles and muscular dysfunction.

It's hardly a surprise, then, that innovations in the treatment and care of muscles like Active Isolated Stretching have not penetrated mainstream medicine.

This is doubly a problem because a very high percentage of "unexplained" pain is the result of muscular problems and the postural imbalances caused by tight, inflexible muscles.

This blind spot in our medical model has been the focus of my entire career for three decades... 

I'm Stephen O'Dwyer - Neuromuscular Therapist and Pain Relief Researcher - and for 30 years I've been helping individuals achieve significant and often permanent relief for chronic, stubborn and "unexplained" pain...

Stephen O'Dwyer teaching from his dynamic online stretching course, Stretching Blueprint for Pain Relief and Better Flexibility.

You have put together a wonderful program, and have a unique ability to explain things in an easy-to-understand fashion. It is so obvious that you truly care to help people get well.


Austin, TX  USA

When I began using Active Isolated Stretching in my private practice, the positive impact on my clients was immediate and striking...

Seated gluteal stretch using Active Isolated Stretching.
โŒฒ Enhanced Pain Relief Effectiveness

Active Isolated Stretching enhanced the pain relief effectiveness of every other therapy I was using.

โŒฒ Improved Pain Relief Outcomes

Active Isolated Stretching improved the pain relief outcomes in cases where I'd had limited success.

โŒฒ Pain Relief at Home

Active Isolated Stretching provided my clients with a reliable and highly effective pain relief strategy they could use at home.

Why is Active Isolated Stretching So Effective?

It Does Not Cause Strain

Unlike static stretching which can provoke the Protective Stretch Reflex resulting in strain and discomfort, Active Isolated Stretching does not provoke this reflex. That means no strain.

It's Easy to Learn, Easy to Do

Performing Active Isolated Stretching is a simple process of using a repeated 2-second stretch as opposed to holding a static stretch for 20-30 seconds or longer.

It's Much More Time Efficient

Because you perform a set number of repetitions (usually 5-10 reps per stretch), you can easily get through a whole routine in no time.

Learn this simple, gentle and powerfully different stretching method in the comfort of your home...

Stretching Blueprint for Pain Relief and Better Flexibility

The Complete Guide to PAIN-FREE MUSCLES USING Active Isolated Stretching

A Step-By-Step Online Course

Stretching Blueprint for Pain Relief and Better Flexibility: The Complete Guide to Pain-Free Muscles Using Active Isolated Stretching is a self-paced online course that guides you step-by-step in using this powerful but extremely gentle stretching method. The course is designed to provide maximum relief for stubborn, chronic and "unexplained pain" in the comfort of your home.

Unconditional 30-day refund guarantee
for all courses

Overview of the Course

When you enroll you gain FULL LIFETIME ACCESS to all modules and all lessons.

MODULE 1: your blueprint foundation

The opening module clears up common misconceptions about stretching and the "no pain, no gain" mindset, then introduces this powerful stretching method along with innovations of the instructor such as the Flexibility Diagnostic and the mindset of  Progressive Ease.

Also reviewed are the 5 downloadable resources of the course including 2 templates, 2 wall charts and an e-book compilation of step-by-step instructions for every stretch in the course.


The central section of the course is comprised of 36 stretching exercises, clearly demonstrated and shot in high definition video.

Also included are high quality anatomy images for each muscle group being stretched along with written step by step instructions to support the video instruction.

While learning stretches from head to toe, flexibility information is gathered for the Flexibility Diagnostic, your self-assessment tool.

MODULE 6: CREATING your stretching blueprint

Module 6 guides you step-by-step in the creation of your personalized stretching plan: Your Stretching Blueprint.

The detailed information gathered in the Flexibility Diagnostic enables you to prioritize 'hidden' regions of tightness so that the root causes of strain are addressed rather than just focusing on symptoms.

This completely takes the guess work out of your stretching self-care and lays the foundation for lasting relief.

Unconditional 30-day refund guarantee
for all courses

What people are saying about the course


Medical Examiner,

Vermont, USA

Feel so much better now

My whole right side has been very tight and I have the feeling of being bent like a banana at times. My issues have been lower back pain and lots of shoulder issues due to a bike accident. Also knee issues and pain during downhill biking.

I feel so much better now since completing the Stretching Blueprint. My knee pain has completely disappeared and my shoulder and back feel so much better.

What amazed me during the course was learning how the tightness can change from one day to another, and from one side to the other. I understand the functioning of my body much better now and Iโ€™m very aware why a certain problem occurs. 

The Stretching Blueprint has helped me get to know my body really well and to show how itโ€™s all interconnected.


Health Economist


Significant reduction in stiffness and pain...

I really wish I had found Stephen and his knowledge about 5 years ago when I started having back problems.

Iโ€™d never known anything like the pains I was going through recently which had gotten progressively worse over the last few months. The stiffness and pain were in my right pelvis (anterior twisted), replaced hip, my right knee and through both legs.

I followed the Stretching Blueprint closely and the results were better than I ever imagined they could be! I found such a significant reduction in stiffness and pain that I was able to take a quite high-stamina and โ€œbalance-needingโ€ dance class just the next weekend.

The plan is so well-explained and systematic, not to mention gentle. As Stephen reminds in the course - even though it can feel gentle, these stretches can have a powerful effect.




Stretches the right way

I sought out this program to deal with constant muscular tension and pain in my neck and shoulder that was becoming chronic (months).

I have taken plenty of gym classes and small group wellness classes, but the Stretching Blueprint program was really the first to show me how to do those stretches the right way.

The videos for how to perform the stretch were most helpful and also helped me identify the specific stretches that I should focus on.

I have really enjoyed incorporating the stretches into a personalized yoga-like routine with breathing, mindfulness and fluid movements, that I can do at home.

Highly recommended!

About the Instructor,

Stephen O'Dwyer, CNMT

As a Neuromuscular Therapist and pain relief researcher, Stephen has been helping individuals achieve significant and often permanent relief for chronic and recurring musculoskeletal pain since 1990.

Trained in numerous therapeutic modalities for relieving pain -- including Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release, Deep Tissue Bodywork, Somatic Movement Education and Active Isolated Stretching -- he has spent three decades developing an integrated methodology for pain relief.

In 2004, he created Lower Back Pain Answers, an information website about lower back pain causes and remedies, and for many years he has been invited to speak to the first-year medical students at the University of Vermont Medical School as part of their Complementary and Alternative Medicine curriculum.

In 2020, due to the outbreak of COVID pandemic, Stephen created Relieving That Pain Online Courses, a learning platform dedicated to individuals suffering from chronic pain.

Stephen Oโ€™Dwyer knows more about this stuff than anybody Iโ€™ve ever encountered in a long life of serious exercise!

Rich A.

Shelburne, VT, USA

Course Modules and Lessons

Stretching Blueprint for Pain Relief and Better Flexibility

Click on any Module to expand and view the Lessons

MODULE 1 - Getting Started: Your Blueprint Foundation and Resources

6 lessons

Your Blueprint Foundation

Lesson 1 - The Problem with Static Stretching and the Mindset of No Pain, No Gain

Lesson 2 - Fundamentals of Active Isolated Stretching

Lesson 3 - The Gentle Power of Progressive Ease

Lesson 4 - The Body as a Tensegrity and Why it Matters in Relieving Pain

Your Blueprint Resources and Warm-Up

Lesson 5 โ€“ How To Use Your Blueprint Resources

Lesson 6 โ€“ Pre-Stretching Warm-Up

MODULE 2 - Stretching Foundation for the Legs

11 lessons


Lesson 7 โ€“ Hamstrings Stretch: Seated Position

Lesson 8 โ€“ Hamstrings Stretch: Lunge Position

Lesson 9 โ€“ Hamstrings Stretch: Supine with Belt or Yoga Strap

Quadriceps and Iliotibial Band

Lesson 10 โ€“ Quadriceps Stretch: Side-Lying Position

Lesson 11 โ€“ Quadriceps Stretch: Lunge Position

Lesson 12 โ€“ Quadriceps Stretch: Using an Armchair

Lesson 13 โ€“ Iliotibial Band Stretch: Supine with Belt or Yoga Strap

Inner Thigh - Adductors

Lesson 14 โ€“ Inner Thigh Adductors Stretch: Single Leg

Lesson 15 โ€“ Inner Thigh Adductors Stretch: Double Leg

Lesson 16 โ€“ Inner Thigh Adductors Stretch: Squatting Knee Spread

Lower Leg - Calf and Achilles Tendon

Lesson 17 โ€“ Calf and Achilles Stretch: Supine with Belt or Yoga Strap

MODULE 3 - Stretching Foundation for the Hips, Lower Back, Spine and Abdominals

9 lessons

Gluteals and Deep Hip Rotators

Lesson 18 โ€“ Gluteals Stretch: Seated Position

Lesson 19 โ€“ Gluteals Stretch: Supine Position

Lesson 20 – Deep Hip Rotators Stretch: Seated Position

Lesson 21 โ€“ Deep Hip Rotators Stretch: Supine Position

Hip Flexors and Abdominals

Lesson 22 โ€“ Hip Flexors Stretch: Seated Position

Lesson 23 โ€“ Hip Flexors Stretch: Lunge Position

Lesson 24 โ€“ Abdominals and Hip Flexors Stretch: Prone Position

Lower Back and Spine

Lesson 25 โ€“ Lower Back and Spinal Stretch: Seated Forward Bend

Lesson 26 โ€“ Lower Back and Spinal Stretch: Supine Spinal Twist

MODULE 4 - Stretching Foundation for the Torso, Chest, Shoulders, Arms and Hands

10 lessons


Lesson 27 โ€“ Latissimus Stretch: Seated Position

Lesson 28 โ€“ Latissimus Stretch: Kneeling Using an Anchor

Chest and Upper Arms

Lesson 29 โ€“ Pectorals Stretch: Standing

Lesson 30 โ€“ Biceps Stretch: Standing

Lesson 31 โ€“ Triceps Stretch: Standing


Lesson 32 โ€“ Anterior Shoulder Stretch: Seated on Ground

Lesson 33 โ€“ Posterior Shoulder Stretch: Seated or Standing

Lower Arms, Hands and Thumbs

Lesson 34 โ€“ Forearm Flexors and Hand Stretch: Seated or Standing

Lesson 35 โ€“ Forearm Extensors Stretch: Seated or Standing

Lesson 36 โ€“ Thumb Stretch: Seated or Standing

MODULE 5 - Stretching Foundation for the Neck

6 lessons

Posterior Neck

Lesson 37 โ€“ Base of Skull Stretch: Seated

Lesson 38 โ€“ Posterior Neck Stretch (Angle 1): Seated

Lesson 39 โ€“ Posterior Neck Stretch (Angle 2): Seated

Side and Anterior Neck

Lesson 40 โ€“ Side Neck Stretch: Seated

Lesson 41 โ€“ Anterior Neck Stretch (Angled): Seated

Lesson 42 โ€“ Anterior Neck Stretch (Neutral): Seated

MODULE 6 - Creating Your Stretching Blueprint

4 lessons

Lesson 43 – Building Your Blueprint

Lesson 44 โ€“ Sample Quick List, Compensation Patterns & Blueprint Framework Review

Lesson 45 – Sample Blueprint Routine

Lesson 46 – Concluding Thoughts & A Word About the Postural Blueprint

MODULE 7 - Your Bonus Content - Supplemental Routines

3 lessons

Bonus Supplemental Evening Routine

Bonus Supplemental Midday Routine

Bonus Supplemental Morning Routine

Why dabble in random YouTube videos hoping for something helpful?

You deserve better.

You deserve step-by-step guidance

and your own highly personalized

Stretching Blueprint

Unconditional 30-day refund guarantee
for all courses

Stretching Blueprint for Pain Relief and Better Flexibility

the complete guide to PAIN-FREE MUSCLES USING active isolated Stretching





  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
  • 3 Bonus Routines
  • 36 Video Stretching Library
  • 5 Downloadable Resources


money back

If this course doesn't meet your needs for ANY reason, get a full refund within 30 days of your purchase.


Frequently asked questions

How is pain relief achieved by taking this course?

The methods in this course are able to produce significant pain relief because:

1) Active Isolated Stretching - the guiding stretching method taught in this course - is significantly more effective than standard stretching at improving flexibility without strain. The faster we restore flexibility, the faster we experience relief.

2) The course's self-assessment tool, the Flexibility Diagnostic, exposes 'hidden' tightness in the body which is often responsible for strain patterns. This vital information allows the creation of a highly targeted stretching plan that prioritizes root causes as opposed to just symptoms. Addressing root causes produces much faster and much more lasting relief.

How is energy boosted by taking this course?

Inflexibility and energy drain go hand in hand. The body has to work much harder, has to generate much more effort for every movement, when muscles are stuck, tight, short, and constricted. One of the numerous benefits of improving flexibility - accomplished more easily with Active Isolated Stretching than any other method - is a significant boost in energy. 

Why is Active Isolated Stretching so effective?

Active Isolated Stretching does not provoke the protective stretch reflex, a phenomenon triggered by standard static stretching. When triggered, the protective stretch reflex interferes with muscle lengthening and can also result in strain. Instead of holding a stretch for an extended period of time (which can aggravate an overworked muscle) Active Isolated Stretching uses a repeated 2-second stretch. This is not only a much gentler approach, but also allows for much faster progress.

What about yoga? How does yoga fit in?

Yoga is a powerful and highly recommended practice that can provide many profound benefits. But for some, yoga can be too strenuous in the early stages of trying to improve flexibility. Too often individuals are caught comparing themselves to others in a yoga class that is too advanced. This can result in strain and discouragement. For many it will be best to improve baseline flexibility first and then progress to yoga practice.

Is poor flexibility the primary cause of pain?

For many, poor flexibility is a significant contributing factor causing persistent aches and pains. For some, it is the primary cause. For virtually everyone, improving flexibility will not only lift numerous aches and pains but will boost energy, calm the nervous system and increase the quality of life.

What if I have zero discipline? Can this still help me?

Because so many of us struggle with staying on track with a regular routine of exercise or stretching, this course was specifically designed to respond to that reality. The course guides you step by step through the creation of a highly personalized stretching plan that's laid out clearly and is super-easy to follow. No more having to come up with what you're supposed to do by yourself! Just follow the guidance of the course and you'll find that it's easier than you think to stay with a regular routine!

Stretching Blueprint for Pain Relief and Better Flexibility

the complete guide to PAIN-FREE MUSCLES USING active isolated Stretching





  • Lifetime Access
  • Immediate Start
  • Access to All Modules
  • 3 Bonus Routines
  • 36 Video Stretching Library
  • 5 Downloadable Resources


I invite you to join me so I can help you to feel better now!

I'm excited to offer you this comprehensive guide for relieving aches and pains, boosting energy and dramatically improving your flexibility.

The Stretching Blueprint System has 3 decades of clinical trial and error behind it and has helped many, many clients over the years.

I sincerely hope you will be among those I'm now able to reach with these courses, and most importantly that you'll benefit from the work I've devoted my life to. Wishing you well!
